In these tables you’ll find info on the uniform colors used by Finnish and Swedish units. Info on the equipment can be found on the painting the miniatures -page.

Please note that quite few of the sources have contradicting info on some details of the uniforms and plenty of uniform plates were done later on and not by contemporay artists. Even “Between The Imperal Eagles” has plenty of plain old typos in its uniform table. The uniform colors of Adlercreuzka regemente especially are highly uncertain.

Finnish and Swedish

Regiment Coat Trousers Plastron Turnbacks Cuffs Collar Scarf
Adlercreuzka regemente ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
Hälsinge regemente blue white white white white white black
Hämeen rykmentti grey grey blue piped red grey blue piped red blue piped red black
Jägerhornska regemente blue blue piped yellow yellow yellow yellow yellow black
Jämtlands regemente grey grey light green light green light green light green black
Kajaanin pataljoona grey grey blue blue blue blue black
Kronobergs regemente blue white yellow white red red black
Oulun pataljoona blue yellow yellow yellow yellow yellow black
Porin rykmentti grey grey light blue light blue light blue light blue black
Pohjanmaan rykmentti blue yellow yellow yellow yellow yellow black
Savon rykmentti grey grey grey piped yellow grey yellow yellow black
Turun rykmentti grey grey blue blue blue blue black
Uudenmaan rykmentti grey grey light blue light blue light blue light blue black
Upplands regemente blue white yellow piped white yellow yellow white black
Vaasa batallion blue yellow yellow yellow yellow yellow black
Västmanlands regemente blue white yellow piped white yellow yellow piped white yellow red
Västerbottens regemente blue white white white white red black
Änkedrottningens livregemente blue white light red piped white white white light red piped white black


Regiment Coat Trousers Plastron Turnbacks Cuffs Collar Scarf
Karjalan jääkärijoukko green white green piped yellow white green piped yellow green piped yellow black
Savon jääkärirykmentti grey grey green piped white green green piped white green piped white black
Uudenmaan jääkäripataljoona grey grey grey piped blue grey grey piped blue grey piped blue black


Regiment Coat Trousers Plastron Turnbacks Cuffs Collar Scarf
Finska (andra)livgardet blue white red red yellow yellow black
Göta (Svenska) livgardet ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
Livgardet (Svea livgarde) blue white yellow yellow yellow yellow black
Livgrenadjärregemente blue white red white red red black


Regiment Coat Breeches Plastron Turnbacks Cuffs Collar Waistcoat Scarf
Jämtlands hästjägarkompani grey grey light green light green light green light green black
Karjalan rakuunajoukko blue yellow blue piped yellow white yellow blue piped yellow white black
Livgardet till häst white blue blue blue blue white blue black
Uudenmaan rakuunarykmentti blue yellow blue piped yellow white yellow blue piped yellow white black


Regiment Coat Trousers Plastron Turnbacks Cuffs Collar Scarf
Savon tykistökomppania grey grey green piped white green green piped white red piped white black
Suomen tykistörykmentti blue blue blue blue blue red black
Svea artilleriregemente blue blue blue blue blue blue black

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